Amazon Easy Store Profit

Amazon Easy Store Profit

Amazon Easy Store Profit : Amazon Easy Store is similar concept like Affiliate marketing. But it does not require any website to promote amazon’s products. You can assist your customers to buy/purchase items from amazon marketplace and earn commission on every order.

If you get Amazon Easy Store ID directly from from Amazon then you can earn 12% fixed commission, but it requires more investment nearly 3 lac rupees. However, we are providing Easy Store ID at the price 500 rupees. Using easy store ID, you can earn up to 10% commission on order placed and extra commission for new user creation.

Also Read : NSK MultiServices Store provides products/services on Easy EMI

— NOTE — 

We have stopped providing Amazon Easy Store Service.

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Nandeshwar Katenga

The author is a Computer Engineer and has been working in the field of AePS (Aadhaar Enabled Payment System) since 2016, in roles such as retailer, distributor, and super distributor. They also enjoy writing blogs related to technical, marketing, programming, and more. You can contact them at [email protected] and WhatsApp.

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